Friday 24 January 2014

Safari Animals (Buffelsdrift Game Lodge)

Jan. 1, 2014

Our first official safari.  We were all really excited!  This was a dream come true for me, and it didn't disappoint.  These are the animals that we saw on safari and around the Game Lodge.  And I must say, I am loving the new camera I bought for this trip!! Check out the super close ups!
(You can click on the image to enlarge them if you wish.)

Springbok (South African National Antelope)
Black Wildebeest
White Rhinocerous (One of the Big 5)


Buffalo (One of the Big 5)
Water Buck


African Hare

Male Nyalla
(This guy was right outside our tent one morning).

Female Nyalla crossing the dam at the water hole.
African Spoonbill

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