Saturday 25 January 2014

Kuzuko Safari #2

Jan. 6, 2014

Our second game drive was all about seeing the lions.  They found them earlier in the day, and hoped that they were still in the same spot for the afternoon safari.  The only catch was that they were at the far end of the park.  But here is what we saw.

Flat tire on the safari Jeep.  It's a good thing the lions were at the other end of the park.This pit stop put us about 15 minutes behind the other 2 vehicles which made for a very bumpy ride trying to catch up to them.  There were several times where we were bounced right off our seats.  

This is about how close we were to the lions.
Fortunately, they had a good meal the night before, and weren't interested in us.

Close up.

Lions sleep or rest about 20 hours a day. Not a bad way to live.

The lions woke up just long enough for us to get some great photos.

Noah and Ellise having some fun on safari.
Noah is holding a thorn from an acacia tree.

Giant millipede.
There were hundreds of them all over the roads.

Safari-ing is hot, strenuous business, so we 'had' to stop for a drink break.
Our drivers doubled as bartenders for the occasion. They were awesome!
South Africans love their Castle Beer, so when in Rome...

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