Friday 24 January 2014

Cango Caves

Jan. 2, 2014 (morning)

On our second day at Buffelsdrift, we decided to do a different type of adventure in the Cango Caves. The tour was even called the adventure tour, because it was not for the claustrophobic or the overweight.  Here is the caption from the brochure: "A challenging tour with exciting passages and narrow chimneys, requiring a degree of fitness.  FOR LEAN PEOPLE ONLY!"  After all we had been eating for the past week, we weren't so sure that we qualified for the second one, but they let us go anyway. Some of the obstacles that we had to get through were called The Letterbox (an opening of 8 inches that you had to crawl through), The Devil's Chimney (a narrow chute about 15 ft. high and 2 feet wide that you had to climb up), The Tunnel of Love (which was only about 10 inches wide, so there was no love happening there), and The Lumbago Walk (which was about 3 feet high, and 20 m long).  Noah was a true adventurer, and took each obstacle head on without any hesitation, but the rest of us were not so sure that we would make it out alive.  In the end, we all overcame our fears and had a great time crawling through the caves.  Enjoy the photos!  

Noah, Suzie and Ellise at the "organ pipes" flow formation.

A column formed where a stalactite and stalagmite met.

The "curtains" in the Throne Room.

Crawling into the depths of the cave.

The dark area is the opening for the "Devil's Chimney".
I wish I had a photo with someone inside to truly give you an idea of how tight a fit it really was.
The dimensions are probably about 3 ft. in height, and 1 ft. wide.

Noah climbing out of the "Tunnel of Love" into the "Ice Chamber".

Wayne feeling pretty good after making it through that little opening in the cave.

Suzie at the opening of the "Letterbox".

Suzie squeezing through the "Letterbox".

Suzie getting spit out of the "Letterbox".

The "Lumbago Walk".

The Fetter Family.
Happy to be alive, and out of the confines of the cave!

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