Saturday 25 January 2014

Kuzuko Safari #1

Jan. 6, 2014

We woke up early today and went for the 5:30 am game drive.  We were told that we would be able to  to see more animals at this time and that they would be more active as well.  Once again, we were not disappointed.  Here is a sample of what we saw.
(Click on the photos to enlarge if you wish).

(Pronounced with a short e sound in SA)

Female Kudu

Two male kudus fighting.  This was the highlight of this safari for me.  When they clashed antlers is sounded like a gun shot.  They were fighting about 50 m from the Jeep, but by the time they were done. they were only about 20 m away.  It was awesome!!  I got it on film, so I will try to upload that as well.
Male Kudu.
I took this photo because I wanted a close up of the antlers.

Red Hartebeest and calf.
We were lucky enough to see a young hartebeest suckling from its mother.
This is the only photo that I got of these two because they took off right after I took this picture.

Black-backed Jackal.
We saw several of these, but they are so fast that as soon as we saw one, it was gone.
This one was a long way away in a dry river bed.
This was Noah's favourite African animal.

Good eatin' for all you carnivores.  It might even make me start eating meat again.

African Bull Elephant.
He was absolutely massive.  He was also on the track we were driving on, and wouldn't let us pass

It was amazing to watch him eat, because he would just grab a tree limb with his trunk, rip it off, and put it in his mouth.  He needs to eat 200 kg of food each day.

Vervet Monkey.
Noah liked these guys much more than the baboons.

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