Friday 24 January 2014


Jan. 3-5, 2014

After the excitement of Buffelsdrift Game Lodge, we headed back down to the coast for a little R&R.  

 The kids started their R&R in the car.  

Suzie at a scenic lookout just outside of George.
The scenery changed drastically from the rolling hills of the inland African Bushveld,
to the coastal 
mountain views seen here.

Suzie lounging by the pool at Knysna Hollow. 
Noah in front of our chalet at Knysna Hollow.

The swimming pool right in front of our chalet.
Knysna waterfront.
In the background here you will see that Knysna has a small area that looks like Venice, where the homes are built right on the water and you can drive your boat right up to your front door.

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