Monday 3 November 2014

Melbourne Cup Day: it may not be a holiday in WA, but all Aussie's celebrate this horse race!

What a fun day at school. A beautiful morning tea (a.k.a. snacks at recess), then the whole school watched the big horse race in the hall (a large multi purpose room beside the church), followed by a staff luncheon. I'm stuffed!

My horse didn't win (Au Revoir), but I won the Best Dressed award. Prize: a family sized Marvellous Creations Cadbury Chocolate Bar. It's like I was meant to win! Yum.

Lucky for me a girl friend had just loaned me a fascinator the night before (a little hat thingie pinned on the side of your head, like the Brit's all wore to Kate and William's wedding). Thank you Krystin! Since I didn't have a cocktail dress to match, I cheated and tied on one of my new sarongs from Thailand. I guess it worked, the priest acting as our judge liked it!  I know, I know. I'm asking for cracks mentioning that part.

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