Thursday 6 November 2014

Local News Headline: Mater Christi Primary School WINS ATHLETICS CARNIVAL!

As the Aussie's say: "hip, hip.... hooray!" x3
I find this to be a very British tradition and it is still often used in Australia. 
We had lots of fantastic cheering going on today: my school just won first place out of nine schools at the Athletics Carnival (Track and Field Meet). I am so proud of my little track starts. Pictures to follow once I get them downloaded.

Only 5 more weeks of teaching for me and then it's travel time again. But first we are looking forward to having some company. It's been since April that we've had house guests. Kathy and Jeff Denomey and their kids were a pleasure to have over. And this weekend my teacher friend, Kelli, from Melbourne is flying in to visit. Next week Rodney Sallmen and Isabelle arrive at last. Can hardly wait!

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