Wednesday 29 October 2014

Ellise Attends Inter School Athletics Carnival! (written and photographed by Suzie- Wayne's busy training!)

Ellise Attends Inter School Athletics Carnival.

Translation: Ellise qualified and ran at the Regional Track Meet today. She ran the 200m race and came in first place! Note: there are two "divisions" for each event. Elise was in the B Division. She had come in second to her friend Maddy, so she ran against all the B division kids and WON!

Then she competed in the 'carnival games' and won another two first place ribbons! A very good day for Ellise and her whole team. Noah and Ellise's school, Charthouse, won the carnival!!

Ellise's cheering squad (along with me, Tammy Donnelly's mom and sister-in-law)

Ellise is on the far right, passing everyone on the bend.

Taking first place early on and keeping it to the end.

A good start to her day!

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