Saturday 20 December 2014

Wave Rock

Dec. 13, 2014

There were a couple of places in WA that we wanted to see that we hadn't visited yet, so we made one last road trip before heading home to Canada.  First stop was a natural rock formation called Wave Rock.  As you can see from the pictures, it is aptly named.  We had a quick picnic lunch (surrounded by hundreds of flies) and then spent an hour hiking around exploring the rock and the surrounding areas.

Wave Rock near Hyden, WA.

The kids riding the wave.

Fly nets were a necessity here. 
The dry desert-like conditions are a haven for these pests.

Great rock formations at Wave Rock.

Peek a boo.

Salt pool at Wave Rock Resort.
The salt water here is 7 times the concentration of the ocean, 
so you feel like a cork floating in the water.

Look no hands!
Now on to Esperance...

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