Sunday 21 December 2014

Saying good bye to Rennie Family


This was our last day with plans. Thank goodness. I forgot to mention that Wayne had to pick me up (and drive 3 of my friends home) at the end of the night after the staff party. So we got home a little on the late side (2am)! 

But we still got up and continued the house cleaning and packing. It worked out well that we had to take a break to get Ellise to her Gymnastics Christmas party at the local pool. And Wayne had his farewell luncheon with his co-workers as well. Then a quick dash to the shops and run home to make a meal of the Rennie's favourite foods for our farewell dinner together. They have to catch their flight tomorrow!

Ellise climbing along the giant obstacle course that is actually floating in the pool (see below)

She nearly fell off here!

Martina and Ellise

Martina and Ellise again (her best buddy at gym.)

Krystin and I, 
finding it hard to get in the Christmas spirit when it's so hot!
Check out the Santa Mud Cake (wonder who picked that out?)

Wayne and Sean

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