Sunday 21 December 2014

Suzie's last days at work...



I didn't think I was going to have enough energy to keep up the crazy pace during the last 2 weeks. My Aussie school definitely has a young staff! I thought the final week with the kids was tiring, but then the turn over week was super busy too. Of course I didn't even have to go the first 3 days to do all the cleaning and reorganizing for next year, but we sure did have fun down in Esperance and all the favourite spots along the south coast. Then to top off the week I got to go to Rottnest Island on a "Team Building" day with the entire staff (Thursday, December 18th). It was amazing. Gorgeous weather, fun co-workers, and such a scenic place to hang out for the day. We had a relay race in the morning on the beach, then a fabulous morning tea at the bakery, followed by a relaxing swim in the ocean and a beach side cricket game. When there are 55 staffers there, and all but 4 get in the water to swim and cannon ball off the reef, you know it's a fun bunch!

Then when the day couldn't get any better, we walked back to the gorgeous main pub overlooking the marina and had drinks and a fab lunch. Half of us stayed for a few extra hours having drinks and relaxing before catching a much rougher ferry ride back to Freo. So the remedy for these guys to prevent nausea.... more booze! Too funny.  We accidentally left two girls on the boat and then later got flashed, and on and on. Of course a bunch then carried on to the local pub (until they got kicked out and had to move on to another pub)!!! Ryan would normally have been the cause at this point (or so I am told)! I was wrecked and still had to attend the year end staff party the next night! So I made for the train and high-tailed it out of there!

Must warn you now:
we are completely out of storage space
(camera, computer, iPhone, ...)
This blog will now serve as my storage spot for pics too! So I may bore you with far too many shots :)

This little creature is called a Quokka.
They only live on Rottnest Island.
Look closely at who is still living in her pouch!

Suz and Kirssty

Siohban, Katie (truly the Wild-one Wilding), Jesse (Yock'ers), Sarah, and Mandy

We all had so, so much fun that day!
(Katie Meyerkort, Amber Price, Jacob O'Rielly, and Toby Millar)

And then the end finally arrived. This staff has been talking about the Year-End Party ALL year long! And know I now why. It was fantastic; a beautiful 3 course meal (of which I part took in all the Aussie fare; like Kangaroo, Barramundi, and Pavlova- yum!) all at a great marina location in Fremantle (Char Char Bull). And in typical Mater Christi Style, all the drinks were included!

Funny thing happened when the waitress first arrived, I discovered that my year long friend Pat Pottier does not drink alcohol. So when I couldn't make up my mind between 2 drink choices, she smiled and laughed, and I ordered 'her AND I' drinks all night long :)

After some final speeches and many more drinks (and yes these lovely people spoiled me even more with gifts of kind works, wine and a 2015 calendar filled with awesome pictures of friends and students:) then they ..... yup, you guessed it.... they headed out to the pub! I'm not even sure where we were exactly, but it was hopping. People of all ages and styles crowded the dance floor around us for hours and hours and hours. Let's just say that my only black high heeled shoes were not coming home with me, BUT now that I managed to dance for 3+ hours straight and still have happy feet, I just might have to take them home!! This is how I pack, and that is why I have a problem right now :(

Susssieee (my nickname from Pat who is a huge Seinfeld fan) and Pat Pottier 

Toby and me

Suz and Paula

Trisha, Alison, Amanda, and Donna

Kayla (to be married New Year's Eve!), Jess, Siohban, Katie McNally, Sarah, and Eileen Eursay

Kathie Meyerkort and Suzie

Nicole Cloutt, Courtney Dunshire, Kate Paize, Jo Jenson

more Patty-Cake and me

pictures are worth a thousand words... 

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