Thursday 12 June 2014

A night out on the town

Welcome! If this is your first time reading our travel blog then I have a tip for you. If you want to start from the very beginning and read it in order, then start by finding the List of Posts on the right hand side of this page. Click on January (13), then click on the very last post, Buffelsdrift Game Lodge. That will start you off last December of 2013. Each post from then on is listed in reverse chronological order. We hope you enjoy! 

June 7

Tonight was a special night because we went to see the musical Oliver down at the Performing Arts Centre in Mandurah.  One of Ellise's best friends here in Australia, Aimee, was in the play along with another school mate, Paige.  They did a great job!  And it was a fun night out for the family!

Fun pictures before the show!

Family shot.

Suzie wanted a nice picture of me with a beard.

Ellise with Aimee (middle) and Paige (left) after the show.

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