Thursday 12 June 2014

Caversham Wildlife Park

June 8

If you are sick of seeing cute cuddly creatures ... look away now.  

If you want to see some more Aussie wildlife ...  enjoy these photos!  

We had fun taking them!

We haven't had the chance to pet any koalas yet, so they were our first stop of the day.
It's so cuddly!!!  I want to take one home!
A koala keeping a close eye on Noah.

I'd be smiling like this all the time if my kids were always this cute and quiet!
Daddy risked life and limb to go nose to nose with the ferocious koala.
By the way, the beard was Suzie's idea, and is gone now.  Too much grey.
One of Caversham's stars, the furry wombat.
Neil the wombat up close and personal.
Wombats are nocturnal, so it is rare to see them up and around during the day.
Noah preferred the reptiles to the soft furry creatures.
Here he is holding a python.
Feeding and petting kangaroos never gets boring.

This kangaroo surprised Suzie by standing up to take the photo.

I finally got a photo of a kangaroo hopping.  Most of the time they are just lazing around.

What is that fuzzy thing growing on your face?

No trip to Australia would be complete without a sheep shearing demonstration.
We also learned how to crack a whip.  If they weren't so expensive,
we would have brought one home to use on the kids.

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