Tuesday 10 June 2014

Bindoon Camping Weekend with the Smith Family

June 8-9

Off to meet the Smith family rellies this weekend at the farm in Bindoon.  

Bindoon Valley.  Smith Family Farm.

The Farmhouse.

Cooking up a storm, and drinking even more!
Ivan brought plenty of his home made red wine to share with everyone!

Tent Central.

The vineyard.
These grapes were once used to make wine, now they are dried out to make Sultanas, a type of raisin.

Take note all you scouter's.  Noah whipping cream with a drill.
The whip cream goes with the damper, a bread made in a cast iron pot on the campfire.
And the Aussies also bring chainsaws along with their axes to cut wood.

A farm wouldn't be complete without old equipment scattered about.

 The Orchard.
Mandarin trees full of fruit.  Delicious!!
Marie's childhood home (Tammy Donnelly's Mom).

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had fun. I love the mixing with the drill!
