Tuesday 28 October 2014

More Day to Day Stuff (by Suzie)

Hi All,
here's what we're up to in between vacations:

The Aussie's don't do Halloween, so a bunch of us Canadian's got together and did it up.
What a blast! We were up dancing until 2am. The theme was The 1970's/80's.
(Plus 4 had birthday's this week too, so great excuse to get together!)
Thanks for hosting Matt and Molly.

Sean (on his birthday) and Krystin Rennie (Collingwood, ON)

Yes, that is Wayne with me! Ha, ha, ha. 
His short shorts were a big hit all night long :)

Patrick Ingleman (B.C.) 

Another birthday girl: Carmen Babin (B.C.) and Suzie

Wayne and Patrick Rock'n it!

Too funny. Patrick with Sean.

The girls; Molly (birthday girl from London, ON), Stacey (Moncton, New Brunswick, Carmen,
Cathy (B.C.), Suzie and Krystin.

Sean, Cathy, and Art (another October birthday, from B.C.)

Our host Mat Cox of London, ON.

This is today after school on our backyard trampoline.
I like to pretend I had twins and dress them the same (ha, ha).
It's really Noah and Ellise's school uniform.

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