Saturday 3 May 2014

Coral Bay

Apr. 19

We were really excited to get going today because we were stopping in Coral Bay which is known for its amazing snorkelling!  We weren't disappointed.  The water was turquoise blue, and warm (probably 84F).  The best part about snorkelling up here is that you walk out about 25m from the shore and you are on the reef.  Coral Bay is a drift snorkel, so you walk up the beach, and then let the current guide you back to your starting location.  It was a great way to get the kids accustomed to reef snorkelling, because all you had to do was float along, and watch all the coral and fish beneath you.  The coral was thriving and healthy, although there didn't seem to be as many colourful tropical fish as I expected.

The pristine Ningaloo Reef at Coral Bay.

Noah and Ellise playing in Coral Bay.

Unfortunately, we only had a couple of hours here before we had to head on to Exmouth, but it was lots of fun!

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