Friday 2 May 2014


Apr. 18-19

Our next stop was in Carnarvon, probably the largest town this far north.  It is also located next to a river, and is known for its fresh fruits and veggies.  Unfortunately we couldn't enjoy them because it was Good Friday and everything was closed.  But they did have a great playground by the river which kept the kids happy for a couple hours.  We also walked the mile long jetty which seemed to be about 100 years old!  Some of the broken boards were replaced, but not as many as should have been.  If it was in North America, it probably would have been torn down or at least condemned!  Here it's a tourist attraction. Suzie was NOT happy walking on it (as it's about a 30 foot drop if the boards snap).

The only thing that was open in town was the local fish & chip shop where we decided to have dinner, along with everyone else in town.  We waited for an hour for take-away fish & chips.  Thankfully, they didn't run out of fish before we got ours, because they had to stop taking orders shortly after us.  And it was delicious.  Of course by that point, we would have eaten almost anything.

The Mile Long Jetty.

An example of the wood on the jetty.  Suzie didn't like the idea that you could see through the gaps in the wood.  Some were a couple inches wide. At other spots the boards were missing!

The Carnarvon Space Dish (famous for receiving the first transmissions from Neil Armstrong and Edwin (Buzz) Aldrin on the moon in 1969). 

Termite Mounds were everywhere up here. Hundreds can be seen along the highway.
Most stand about 5 to 6 feet tall. 
Shell Beach.
We stopped here on the way to Carnarvon.  The beach is made up of millions of tiny white shells, there isn't a speck of sand. It's all shells!

Close-up of the shells on Shell Beach.

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