Sunday 4 May 2014

Bundegi Bay / Jurabi Turtle Centre / Mangrove Bay / Lighthouse

Apr. 23

Today, we decided to take a break from snorkelling and sleep in a bit.  We did a few things in town during the day and then did some sightseeing later in the afternoon and evening.

Bundegi Bay.

The Navy Pier, one of the top 10 scuba diving spots in the world.

The Navy communication towers near Exmouth.

The wreck of the S.S. Mildura off the northern tip of the Exmouth Peninsula.

The Jurabi Turtle Centre is a little information exhibit set up to tell the story about the sea turtles that nest along the northwest shore in the spring.  Even though we didn't see any turtles, we did see many tracks in the sand from the hatchlings making their way to the ocean.
Baby turtle tracks in the sand.

Mangrove Bay.
A mangrove is a tree or shrub which grows in tidal, chiefly tropical, coastal swamps, having numerous tangled roots that grow above ground and form dense thickets.

Large male kangaroo that we spotted at Mangrove Bay.

A couple smaller kangaroos just up the road.

Vlamingh Head Lighthouse.
A popular spot to watch the sunset.

Noah and Ellise perched on the window ledge of the lighthouse.

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