Sunday 30 March 2014

Surfing, Footy, and More

Mar. 29

This is the last weekend that our friends from Chatham are with us, so we wanted to make the most of it.  They hadn't attempted surfing yet, so we strapped the Donnelly's boards to the roof of the car, and headed to the beach at Secret Harbour, the closest surfing spot to our place in WA. They were predicting rain and a possible thunderstorm for later in the day, so it made for some good waves.  The kids managed to ride some waves in on their stomachs, but didn't try to stand up yet.  I was able to stand up several times for a short ride until the wave lost its momentum, and Suzie the same.

Suzie catching a wave.
Wayne paddling hard to get in front of the wave.

Jeff showing Wayne what not to do.

Wayne not listening.

Noah riding in on a wave.

Ellise, the surfer model, posing for the camera.

I didn't get up for long, but I did get up.

The other thing that the Denomy's really wanted to do before they left Australia was to go see an Aussie Rules Football Game. Tickets are very hard to come by here because there are only 2 teams in Western Australia, the Fremantle Dockers, and the West Coast Eagles.  Most of the tickets are taken up by the members of the respective football clubs, but there are 3000 that are saved for the general public. Luck was on our side and we managed to get our hands on eight tickets in the alcohol-free family zone. What wasn't on our side was the weather.  The rain held off all day, but just before the game started, the skies opened up.  Perth hadn't seen rain in almost 4 months, and on the first home game of the footy season, it decides to rain.  We spent the first half huddling under the overhang because the rain was coming down in sheets.  It was quite comical watching the game because the ball and players were slipping and sliding all over the place.  We got to return to our seats for the second half, and the game got better, and the home team triumphed by a score of 87 - 39.  Yeah Dockers!!!

The Fetter's decked out in purple Dockers gear.  

Footy game in action.

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