Thursday 20 March 2014

The Burning Bush

March 20th

What a fluke! I just noticed a sign on my drive home today that said "Butt Out.. Smoking Starts Fires" And then 20 minutes later I passed a road side fire! There is a public transit train (like a Toronto Go Train) that runs along the freeway here, literally 30 feet from the road. And between the tracks and the road are some small scrubby bushes. One was on fire today, right beside me!

It had to have been started by a cigarette butt. There is no one allowed in that area. I honestly don't know how some people can be so careless. When I got home and told Wayne he said he sees Aussie's toss butts from cars all the time when he's cycling. Well no wonder there are countless bush fires around here!!

With a heading like "The Burning Bush", I bet you thought I had a religious story for you? Didn't you?

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