Wednesday 9 April 2014

Koombana Bay / Margaret River / Yallingup

Apr. 5-6

We got off to an early start on Saturday because we were hoping to see the wild bottle-nose dolphins that regularly visit Koombana Bay down in Bunbury.   We arrived just after 8:00 am, and started walking down the beach towards the Dolphin Discovery Centre.  It was still early, so we were virtually the only ones on the beach.  As we were walking along, we noticed a ripple in the water, and look who came to greet us... 

This is Eclipse, a friendly playful bottle-nose dolphin.

She swam right up to us and was about 5 feet from where we were standing in the water.

What a great start to the day!

Next up, the Margaret River Pro Surfing Championships.

Chillin' out, taking it all in...  the sun, the surfing, the scenery.
A great atmosphere. (Krystin Rennie with Wayne, Noah, and Ellise).

One of the pro surfers shredding this wave.
The waves were not huge, but the surfers made the most of them.
Amazing!!!  I've got a lot to learn.

After the surfing comp, we headed to Yallingup, a small town just north of Margaret River to meet up with some friends.

Yallingup at sunset. That little cluster of homes is it! Very quaint and small.

Yallingup Beach at sunset.

Sunday morning started with some snorkelling at Yallingup Beach.

The Go Pro in action catching Noah snorkelling at Yallingup Beach.

Zebra fish.

Surfer's heading out to catch some waves.
Cape Naturaliste Lighthouse.  One of the few working lighthouses in Australia.

Playing on the rocks at Bunker Bay.

Having some fun!

A couple of scenic stops on the way back home, and of course a trip to the region wouldn't be complete without a stop at one of the hundreds of wineries and breweries in the area.  We stopped at the Eagle Bay Brewing Company which also has wine as well.

We are off on our first two week school break next weekend, so there may not be any posts for a couple of weeks depending on wifi availability.  We are heading north along the coast of WA, which is pretty remote once you leave Perth, but the scenery and snorkelling are supposed to be amazing! 

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