Thursday 27 February 2014

Fremantle and Point Peron

Feb. 14-16, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!  It was fairly quiet here.  After picking up Ellise from gymnastics, we went down to the Rockingham foreshore and picked up some take-away (take-out) for tea (dinner). Suzie and I enjoyed an asian noodle box, my little carnivore Noah had a meat box, and Ellise decided on the always enjoyable Subway.  

This weekend we met up with our friends (the Rennie family), from Collingwood ON who are on exchange here too. We headed into the city for a tour of Fremantle which is the main port town of WA. It is known for its seafood restaurants and great shopping.  We started off with the Fremantle Market.  It was fun browsing through all the stalls, checking out all the Aussie goods for sale. We also caught a live performance by a busker called the "Bad Piper" who played the bagpipes with a real flare, literally. He had flames coming out of his bagpipes as he played his version of bagpipe heavy metal.  Some things you only see in Aus. 

Photo to come.

Then it was off to the wharf to visit the "Little Creatures", which is a local brewery.  We had a free tasting of all their different lagers, ales, and ciders.  Some were very enjoyable, others not so much. 
We continued our tour along the wharf restaurants, and circled back to the car to head off to our next destination, which was a potluck dinner with all the other exchange teachers.  It was great to catch up with everyone again, to see how everyone was doing teaching at their new schools, and to tell each other what we've been up to since we last met.  It's great sharing stories of places to go and things to do while we are here.  It is fun being a professional tourist!

The Rennie's came back to our place for the evening, and we played cards, had a few drinks, and a lot of laughs.  Sunday morning we decided to do some snorkelling at Point Peron, which is only about 10 minutes from our place.  Unfortunately, the water was pretty rough, so we didn't see much.  The snorkelling may not have been great, but the hiking was.  Great views of the rocky cliffs, and of the Rockingham coastline.

Kade, Noah, Ellise & Matthew at Point Peron.

The Fetter's at Palm Beach.

Hiking at Point Peron.

Wayne enjoying the sites.

The Fetter Family "down under"!

The Rennie's

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